Teacher -> Mrs Dorothy John
Class's Rules
1. Speak English everytime
2. Come to class everytime
3. Do assignment by yourself
4. Uniform (Correctly)
Expectation Rules
1. Notebook -> Focus on IELTS by SUE OConnell
2. Attendence late after 10 will be check as absense
3. Uniform
4. Grade (a)Class test (b)Final Exam
Teacher's Rules
1. Speak English
2. Listen when someone is speaking
3. Cellphone off or silent mode
4. Take note in class
Details of The Day
1. There will be field trip on Sept 25,
2. Reading book not less than 80 pages/2 week
3. Submit book reading report
4. Laboratory 1 hour/day
5. Library 1 hour/day
What I have learn today
1. How to writing a paragraph
2. How to writing a essay
Parts of paragraph
1. Topic sentense
2. Supporting Details
3. Conclusion
1. Topic Sentense -> My favourit place in Mission College is Sport Complex
2. Supporting Detail
2.1 Good facilities & Equipments
- Gym, Soccer field & good grass
2.2 Exercise health(Environment, Trees, Fresh air)
2.3 Good place to make friends
- many people go there at the same time
3. Conclusion
Parts of Essay
1. Introduction
2. Thesis Statement
3. Supporting Details(each supporting detail should have its own paragraph)
4. Conclusion
1st Assignment
Write Essay in topic "Who Am I"
Essay layout
I. family and Family background
II. Description of yourself
III. - Personality, Interest, Strengths and Weaknesses
IV. Future(What do want to be , why, how)
V. Conclusion
Announcement -> If anyone want to join the Math for business class instead of LIFE'S SKILL should go to Mr. MONTE's office
Detail for today
TOPIC -> How do you learn/study best?
What is learning style?
A1. A learning style is a way of learning
A2. A learning style is the way with which learn best
3 categories of Learner
1. Auditory Learner
- peson who learn best by listening to lecture
- listing to radio/television
- class discussion
2. Vicual Learner
- Learn alot when they see something
- have to see pictures, diagrams, powerpoints, presentation
- use of projecter in the classroom
3. Tachtile/Kinessthetic Learner
- persone who learn by hands on activities
- Do checkist and submet next class on Wednesday 27,
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